Den Emails

  • Den Leaders and others in your grade may send emails through your Den-specific Google Group
  • We use Google Groups for our emails. Everyone should be on a group. Returning families are on the same group(s) as last year, and families with new Scouts should have received an invitation
  • Only those within the den have permissions to send to that group (parents and myself included)
  • If you have more email addresses that need to stay in touch, please let us know and we can add them

Other Den Communications

  • Each Den can discuss how best to communicate from there
  • Some dens use texts messages, or services like Remind, phone, or stick with email. That’s up to each of you on how your groups like to communicate best


Note: Information that applies only to your den/grade is usually sent through your den leader(s)

Pack Emails

  • Cubmaster will typically send emails to everyone with information that applies to the whole Pack (all grades)
  • Occasionally other Pack volunteers will send emails to everyone for things such as Popcorn, fundraising, events, etc. – but most commonly they will come through the Cubmaster if it applies to everyone
  • The same Google Group is used as within the den

Pack Calendar

  • All events are loaded onto our Pack Calendar
  • You can subscribe to this Google Calendar right on your phone


  • Our Closed group is available for any member of the Pack to post and share pictures and messages about Cub Scout Events
  • This is our primary photo share and we encourage everyone to help share their pictures here


Our calendar is hosted here and we are trying to save important events and information to the website.

Other Cub Scout Ongoings